Tuesday 18 January 2011

Konsep pelancongan

December 2004
Perkataan tourism datang daripada perkataan Latin iaitu tornare dan juga Greek iaitu
tornos yang membawa maksud pergerakan dalam suatu bulatan.
Bab 1
Pengenalan kepada Pelancongan
Bab ini mendedahkan definisi pelancongan daripada pelbagai perspektif. Berdasarkan
definisi-definisi yang diketengahkan, maksud pelancongan dibincangkan secara
menyeluruh serta mendalam supaya pengertiannya dapat difahami dengan jelas. Hasil
perbincangan berkenaan definisi pelancongan, bab ini seterusnya membincangkan
jenis-jenis pelancong yang wujud dalam industri itu. Jenis-jenis pelancong penting
kerana mereka adalah pihak utama yang berperanan dalam menentukan kejayaan
sesebuah industri pelancongan.
Akhir sekali bab ini membincangkan sektor-sektor serta aktiviti-aktiviti yang terlibat
dalam industri pelancongan. Perlu ditekankan industri pelancongan terdiri daripada
pelbagai sektor yang mempunyai aktiviti tersendiri. Oleh itu, sebagai satu pengenalan
kepada pelancongan, adalah perlu sektor-sektor dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang terlibat
didedahkan kepada semua pihak yang ingin memahami maksud pelancongan.
Apa Itu Pelancongan?
Pelancongan mempunyai pelbagai maksud mengikut perspektif dan pandangan pihak-
pihak yang terlibat sama ada secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung dengan industri
pelancongan. Ini termasuklah pelancong itu sendiri, organisasi penginapan dan
pengangkutan, organisasi pendidikan, pihak kerajaan dan sebagainya lagi.
Perkataan tourism datang daripada perkataan Latin iaitu tornare dan juga Greek iaitu
tornos yang membawa maksud pergerakan dalam suatu bulatan. Pada awalnya, Jafari
(1977) mendefinisikan pelancongan sebagai, “Suatu kajian manusia yang
bertentangan dengan habitat semula jadi mereka serta penglibatan industri yang
bertindak balas pada keperluan mereka, dan juga kesan ke atas diri mereka dan
industri itu daripada sudut sosiobudaya, ekonomi dan persekitaran.” Pengertian yang
meluas ini sukar difahami kerana ia tidak menjelaskan secara mendalam apa yang
dimaksudkan sebagai pelancongan dan apakah faktor-faktor yang terlibat dalam
membangunkan industri ini.
Oleh itu, wujud definisi lain yang cuba memberi penjelasan secara mendalam
mengenai pelancongan. Sebagai contoh, Leiper (1981) menjelaskan pelancongan
sebagai, “Suatu sistem terbuka yang mempunyai hubungan dengan persekitaran yang
luas, elemen manusia iaitu pelancong, elemen kawasan iaitu kawasan asal, kawasan
persinggahan dan kawasan destinasi yang terpilih, elemen ekonomi iaitu industri
pelancongan dan elemen dinamik iaitu terdiri daripada individu yang mengembara
bagi tujuan berehat jauh dari tempat asal mereka selama lebih kurang satu hari.”
Walaupun definisi ini agak mendalam, sekurang-kurangnya ia memberi pengertian
yang jelas berkenaan pelancongan dan elemen-elemen yang terlibat dalam industri
pelancongan secara khususnya. Kelima-lima elemen itu adalah persekitaran, manusia,
kawasan, ekonomi dan dinamik.
Memandangkan pelancongan itu sendiri ditafsirkan berbeza-beza mengikut perspektif
atau school of thought masing-masing, sehingga kini masih wujud pelbagai definisi
pelancongan. Istilah pelancongan menurut WTO atau World Tourism Organization
merujuk kepada, “Aktiviti pengembaraan seseorang individu ke suatu tempat keluar
daripada persekitaran asalnya dan menetap di situ tidak lebih daripada setahun bagi
tujuan rehat, perniagaan dan sebagainya.” Definisi WTO ini secara langsung
membawa kepada pengertian apa yang dimaksudkan sebagai pelancongan
antarabangsa, pelancongan dalaman, pelancongan domestik dan pelancongan
kebangsaan (lihat Rajah 1.1). Pelancongan antarabangsa melibatkan dua aspek
pelancongan iaitu:
1. Melancong dalam negara: Merujuk kepada lawatan atau pengembaraan ke destinasi
tuan rumah yang dibuat oleh individu yang berasal dari destinasi lain. Sebagai contoh,
Malaysia sebagai tuan rumah menerima kunjungan daripada pelancong Eropah.
Pelancong Eropah yang datang ke Malaysia dikenali sebagai pelancong dalam negara.
2. Melancong luar negara: Merujuk kepada lawatan atau pengembaraan seseorang
individu ke destinasi selain dari tempat asal mereka. Contohnya, pelancong Malaysia
yang melancong ke Australia dan New Zealand adalah pelancong luar negara.
Pelancongan dalaman pula merujuk kepada lawatan atau pengembaraan seseorang
individu ke destinasi yang sama dalam kawasan destinasi asal mereka. Contohnya,
rakyat negeri Kedah yang berasal dari Alor Setar membuat lawatan ke Pulau
Langkawi, juga terletak dalam negeri Kedah. Pelancongan domestik merujuk kepada
pelancongan dalaman dan dalam negara. Contohnya, sebagai rakyat negeri Perak, kita
menerima kunjungan dan lawatan rakyat negeri Melaka. Pelancong Melaka itu
dikenali sebagai pelancong domestik.
Oleh itu, pemasaran pelancongan yang perlu ditekan di sini adalah kemudahan
penginapan dan tempat tarikan di negeri Perak. Manakala pelancongan kebangsaan
pula merujuk kepada pelancongan dalaman dan luar negara. Sebagai contoh,
kunjungan kita sebagai rakyat negeri Perak ke negeri Melaka. Pemasaran pelancongan
yang perlu ditekan di sini adalah kemudahan pengangkutan dan agensi pengembaraan.
Wujudnya pelbagai pemahaman dan pengertian pelancongan akhirnya membawa
kepada kekaburan definisi pelancongan itu sendiri. Malah, sehingga kini, masih ramai
yang cuba mengetengahkan definisi mengikut pandangan masing-masing.
Suatu definisi lengkap yang sudah dan masih diguna pakai dalam memahami erti
pelancongan sebenar dibariskan oleh McIntosh dan rakan-rakan (1995). Menurut
mereka, “Pelancongan adalah suatu fenomena dan hubungan yang wujud akibat
daripada interaksi di antara pelancong, ahli perniagaan, kerajaan dan komuniti selaku
tuan rumah dalam proses menarik pelancong dan pelawat asing.” Secara tidak
langsung, definisi ini menjelaskan pelancongan adalah lawatan atau pengembaraan ke
suatu tempat lain dalam tempoh semalam, bertujuan berhibur, berehat, berniaga dan
sebagainya. Malah, definisi ini juga menekankan wujudnya empat elemen utama
dalam pengertian pelancongan iaitu:
1. Pelancong: Mereka yang keluar ke suatu destinasi lain bagi beberapa tujuan.
2. Perniagaan: Mereka yang terlibat dengan membekalkan barangan ataupun perkhidmatan dalam industri pelancongan di samping memenuhi permintaan pelancong.
3. Kerajaan: Mereka yang terlibat dalam memenuhi ekonomi sama ada berbentuk
pendapatan tuan rumah ataupun pendapatan hasil daripada kedatangan pelancong.
4. Tuan rumah: Mereka yang terlibat secara langsung dengan destinasi terpilih di
samping menjaga budaya masyarakat destinasi itu.
Jelas di sini apabila memperkatakan pelancongan, aspek yang perlu diberi penekanan
adalah kewujudan pelancong, pembekal barangan ataupun perkhidmatan
pelancongan, kerajaan dan juga tuan rumah destinasi yang terpilih. Dalam erti kata
lain, keempat-empat elemen itu perlu terlibat dalam mewujudkan sebuah industri
pelancongan. Apabila seseorang individu itu melancong, bermakna mereka adalah
pelancong yang memerlukan perkhidmatan seperti penginapan dan pengangkutan.
Melancong ke destinasi yang ekonominya dikawal oleh kerajaan secara tidak
langsung pelancong juga mewujudkan hubungan dengan tuan rumah selaku komuniti
destinasi itu.
Jenis-jenis Pelancong
Jenis-jenis pelancong wujud akibat daripada pengertian yang luas mengenai
pelancongan itu sendiri. Secara khususnya, jenis-jenis pelancong atau dikenali sebagai
tipologi pelancong dibincangkan secara mendalam dalam bab seterusnya. Walau
bagaimanapun, bab ini membincangkan tipologi pelancong secara amnya di mana
pelancong itu dilihat lebih sebagai pelawat atau pengembara (lihat Rajah 1.2).
Dalam pelancongan, individu yang terlibat dikategorikan kepada dua iaitu penduduk
setempat dan pelawat. Apabila kedua-duanya mengembara, wujudlah istilah
pengembara. Pengembara pula dapat dilihat dalam dua aspek iaitu mereka yang
mengembara dalam skop pelancongan dan mereka yang mengembara bertujuan
memenuhi aktiviti lain. Mengikut perspektif pelancongan, mereka yang mengembara
dalam skop pelancongan dikenali sebagai pelancong.
Dalam masa yang sama sekiranya mereka mengembara dan kembali semula ke tempat
asal mereka tanpa menginap atau dengan kata lain pergi-balik pada hari yang sama,
mereka ini dikenali sebagai pelawat harian atau excursionists. Biasanya mereka ini
melibatkan pelancongan dalaman dan bukannya pelancongan antarabangsa. Bagi
mereka yang mengembara bertujuan memenuhi aktiviti lain, pelancong-pelancong ini
mungkin terdiri daripada pelajar, pekerja sementara dan juga pendatang bergantung
kepada tujuan lawatan itu.
Pelancong biasanya melancong ke suatu destinasi bertujuan memenuhi beberapa
aktiviti antaranya tujuan perniagaan, melawat kawan dan keluarga atau serta berhibur.
Tujuan mereka melancong ini seterusnya mewujudkan kategori dan jenis pelancong
dalam industri pelancongan. WTO dan Travel and Tourism Research Organization
juga mempunyai tipologi pelancong masing-masing (lihat Rajah 1.3). Jenis-jenis
pelancong lain di mana kategori mereka ditentukan oleh faktor motivasi akan

Sunday 16 January 2011

Kembalinya Seorang Kekasih

“Kepalaku!” kata Aisyah.

Baginda Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam dan Aisyah radhiyallaahu ‘anha baru sahaja pulang daripada menziarahi perkuburan al-Baqi’ lewat malam tadi.

Kepala Aisyah sakit berdenyut-denyut.

Baginda menyedarinya.

“Bahkan kepalaku juga wahai Aisyah. Oh kepalaku!” kata Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

Jika suami pening, tangan isteri yang memicit banyak mendatangkan rasa lega.

Jika isteri yang sakit, belaian seorang suami adalah penyembuh paling berharga.

Tetapi di malam itu kedua-duanya sakit. Kepala mereka berat.

“Janganlah engkau bersusah hati wahai Aisyah. Seandainya engkau mati sebelumku, nescaya aku akan menyempurnakan urusanmu. Aku akan mandikan dikau, kukafankan dirimu dan akan kudirikan solat buatmu serta engkau akan kukebumikan!!”, usik sang suami.

“Demi Allah, aku rasa kalau begitulah kisahnya pasti selepas itu engkau akan pulang ke rumahku dan berpesta gembira dengan isteri-isterimu yang masih hidup!” si isteri tersentak dengan gurauan sang suami.


Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ketawa.

Dalam sakit yang luar biasa itu, baginda masih suami yang hangat dengan mawaddah. Sakitnya tidak menjadikan beliau keluh kesah. Sempat pula mengusik isteri yang tidak tentu rasa.


Malam itu berlalu dengan sakit yang tidak beransur kurang.

Kesakitan itu memuncak semasa Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam memenuhi giliran Baginda di rumah isterinya, Maimunah radhiyallaahu ‘anha. Bukan sakit yang sembarangan. Ia sakit yang menjadi kemabukan sebuah kematian. Sakaraat al-Maut!

“Esok aku di mana? Esok aku di mana?” Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam bertanya.

Dalam sakit yang bersangatan, Baginda masih ‘sedar’ akan tanggungjawab dirinya berlaku adil kepada para isteri.

Itulah ukuran adil seorang mukmin terhadap isteri-isterinya. Mengusahakan segala tenaga yang berbaki untuk tidak memalit zalim dalam melunaskan amanah sebagai seorang suami. Tidak mengambil mudah hanya dengan alasan yang remeh temeh untuk melebihkan seorang isteri berbanding yang lain.

Itulah juga ukiran makna bagi sebuah Mawaddah. Cinta yang bertambah hasil kesungguhan mengatasi ujian dan musibah.

Namun di situlah terselitnya Rahmah. Sifat belas ihsan yang terbit daripada hati yang mengasihi.

“Izinkan aku berhenti bergilir dengan menetap di rumah Aisyah” Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam meminta izin daripada para isterinya.

Siapakah yang pernah membantah permintaan seorang Rasul. Namun Baginda tetap meminta izin kerana keizinan itu hakikatnya kekal bagian seorang isteri. Tiada isteri yang dipinggirkan. Hak masing-masing dihormati. Andaikata seorang Rasul boleh meminta izin menahan giliran daripada isteri Baginda, bagaimana mungkin seorang suami menjadi angkuh mempertahankan haknya di hadapan isteri atau isteri-isterinya?


Masruq meriwayatkan daripada Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha:

Tatkala Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam gering, kesemua isteri Baginda berada di sisi. Tiada seorang pun yang tercicir antara mereka. Ketika mereka berhimpun, anakanda kesayangan Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Fatimah radhiyallahu ‘anha datang berjalan. Demi sesungguhnya cara berjalan Fatimah tidak ubah seperti ayahandanya, Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

“Selamat datang wahai anakandaku,” Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam dengan suara yang lemah menjemput Fatimah duduk di sisinya.

Baginda membisikkan sesuatu ke telinga Fatimah.

Anakanda itu menangis.

Kemudian Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam membisikkan sesuatu lagi ke telinga anak kesayangannya.

Fatimah ketawa.

Apabila Fatimah bangun dari sisi ayahandanya, Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha bertanya, “apakah yang diperkatakan oleh Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam hingga menyebabkan engkau menangis dan engkau ketawa?”

Fatimah menjawab, “Aku tidak akan mendedahkan rahsia Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam!”

Demi sesungguhnya, selepas wafatnya Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha mengulang kembali soalan yang sama kepada Fatimah, “Aku bertanyakan engkau soalan yang engkau berhak untuk menjawab atau tidak menjawabnya. Aku ingin sekali engkau memberitahuku, apakah rahsia yang dikhabarkan oleh Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam dahulu?”

Kata Fatimah, “ada pun sekarang, maka ya, aku bisa memberitahunya!

“Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam berbisik kepadaku dengan berkata: sesungguhnya Jibril selalunya mendatangiku untuk mengulang semakan al-Quran sekali dalam setahun. Namun di tahun ini beliau mendatangiku dua kali. Tidaklah aku melihat kelainan itu melainkan ia adalah petanda ketibaan ajalku. Justeru… bertaqwalah kepada Allah dan bersabarlah kamu dengan ketentuan ini. Atas segala yang telah ditempuh dalam kehidupan ini, sesungguhnya aku adalah untukmu wahai Fatimah!

Aku menangis…

Kemudian Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam berbisik lagi kepadaku dengan berkata: apakah engkau gembira kalau aku khabarkan kepadamu bahawa engkau adalah penghulu sekalian wanita di Syurga? Dan sesungguhnya engkau adalah insan pertama yang akan menurutiku daripada kalangan ahli keluargaku!

Aku ketawa”


Fatimah radhiyallahu ‘anha benar-benar kembali kepada Allah, menuruti pemergian ayahandanya enam bulan selepas kewafatan Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Benarlah beliau ahli keluarga pertama Baginda yang pergi. Dan benarlah kalam utusan Allah… sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam!


Dhuha itu tepu dengan kegelisahan.

Senyuman yang dilemparkan Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam kepada Abu Bakr dan sahabat semasa mereka mengerjakan Solat Subuh tadi, benar-benar mengubat rindu mereka. Namun para sahabat tidak tahu bahawa kerinduan mereka hanya terubat seketika, dan mereka akan kembali merindui wajah itu, buat selamanya. Senyuman itu bukan senyuman kesembuhan. Ia adalah senyuman perpisahan.

Badan Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam semakin panas. Sesekali ada dengusan yang keras dari nafas kekasih Allah itu mendepani mabuknya kesakitan sebuah kematian.

“Laknat Allah ke atas Yahudi dan Nasrani, mereka menjadikan kubur-kubur Nabi mereka sebagai masjid!” bibir Baginda masih tidak berhenti sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam menuturkan pesan-pesan yang penting buat umat yang bakal dilambai perpisahan.

Aisyah radhiyallahu ‘anha meneruskan catatannya:

Aku melihat sendiri Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam mendepani kematian Baginda.

Kami ketika itu berbicara sesama kami bahawa sesungguhnya Nabi sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam tidak akan meninggal dunia sehinggalah Baginda membuat pilihan antara Dunia dan Akhirat. Tatkala Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam semakin gering mendepani kematian, dalam suara yang serak aku mendengar Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam berkata: Aku bersama dengan orang yang diberikan nikmat oleh Allah ke atas mereka daripada kalangan para Nabi, Siddiqin, Syuhada’ dan Solihin, dan itulah sebaik-baik peneman yang menemankan aku!

Dan tahulah kami, Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam telah menyempurnakan pilihannya itu.

Dalam kegeringan itu, aku sandarkan tubuh Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam rapat ke dadaku. Telingaku menangkap bicara lemah di ambang kematian, Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam berbicara: Allahumma, ampunkanlah diriku, rahmatilah aku, dan temukanlah aku dengan-Mu, Temanku yang Maha Tinggi.

Ketika Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam bersandar di dadaku, datang adikku, Abdul Rahman bin Abi Bakr dengan siwak yang basah di tangannya. Aku menyedari yang Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam merenung siwak itu, sebagai isyarat yang Baginda menggemarinya. Apabila ditanya, Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam mengangguk tanda mahukan siwak itu. Lalu kulembutkan siwak itu untuk Baginda dan kuberikan kepadanya. Baginda cuba untuk melakukannya sendiri tetapi ketika siwak yang telah kulembutkan itu kena ke mulut Baginda, ia terlepas daripada tangan dan terjatuh… air liurku bersatu dengan air liur Rasulullah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam di detik akhirnya di Dunia ini, dan detik pertamanya di Akhirat nanti.

Di sisinya ada sebekas air. Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam mencelupkan tangannya dan kemudian menyapu wajahnya dengan air itu lalu berkata: Laa Ilaaha Illallaah! Sesungguhnya kematian ini kesakitannya amat sakit hingga memabukkan! Allahumma, bantulah aku mendepani Sakaraat al-Maut ini!

Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam mengangkat jari kirinya ke Langit lalu berkata: Kembalilah aku kepada Teman yang Maha Tinggi! Kembalilah aku kepada Teman yang Maha Tinggi!”

Tangan itu layu. Jatuh ke dalam bejana.

Leher Baginda sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam terkulai di dada Aisyah.

Pencinta Ilahi yang rebah di pelukan isteri tercinta. Melambai pergi ummah yang dirindui. Pencinta yang agung itu telah mati. Tetapi cintanya harum hingga ke detik ini.

Innaa Lillaah wa Innaa Ilayhi Raaji’un.

Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikat-Nya berselawat kepada Nabi. Wahai orang-orang yang beriman berselawatlah kamu kepadanya serta ucapkanlah salam sejahtera dengan penghormatan yang sepenuhnya. [Al-Ahzaab 33: 56]

Kami rindukanmu.

Murabbi cinta!

Tuesday 11 January 2011

101 Contradictions in Tha Bible

101 Contradictions in the Bible:
101 Clear Contradictions in the Bible
Shabir Ally
1. Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?
• God did (2 Samuel 24: 1)
• Satan did (I Chronicles 2 1:1)
2. In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel?
• Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9)
• One million, one hundred thousand (I Chronicles 21:5)
3. How many fighting men were found in Judah?
• Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9)
• Four hundred and seventy thousand (I Chronicles 21:5)
4. God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of
• Seven (2 Samuel 24:13)
• Three (I Chronicles 21:12)
5. How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem?
• Twenty-two (2 Kings 8:26)
• Forty-two (2 Chronicles 22:2)
6. How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem?
• Eighteen (2 Kings 24:8)
• Eight (2 Chronicles 36:9)
7. How long did he rule over Jerusalem?
• Three months (2 Kings 24:8)
• Three months and ten days (2 Chronicles 36:9)
8. The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and
killed how many men at one time?
• Eight hundred (2 Samuel 23:8)
• Three hundred (I Chronicles 11: 11)
9. When did David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem?
Before defeating the Philistines or after?
• After (2 Samuel 5 and 6)
• Before (I Chronicles 13 and 14)
10. How many pairs of clean animals did God tell Noah to take into
the Ark?
• Two (Genesis 6:19, 20)
• Seven (Genesis 7:2). But despite this last instruction only two pairs went
into the ark (Genesis 7:8-9)
11. When David defeated the King of Zobah, how many horsemen
did he capture?
• One thousand and seven hundred (2 Samuel 8:4)
• Seven thousand (I Chronicles 18:4)
12. How many stalls for horses did Solomon have?
• Forty thousand (I Kings 4:26)
• Four thousand (2 chronicles 9:25)
13. In what year of King Asa's reign did Baasha, King of Israel die?
• Twenty-sixth year (I Kings 15:33 - 16:8)
• Still alive in the thirty-sixth year (2 Chronicles 16:1)
14. How many overseers did Solomon appoint for the work of
building the temple?
• Three thousand six hundred (2 Chronicles 2:2)
• Three thousand three hundred (I Kings 5:16)
15. Solomon built a facility containing how many baths?
• Two thousand (1 Kings 7:26)
• Over three thousand (2 Chronicles 4:5)
16. Of the Israelites who were freed from the Babylonian captivity,
how many were the children of Pahrath-Moab?
• Two thousand eight hundred and twelve (Ezra 2:6)
• Two thousand eight hundred and eighteen (Nehemiah 7:11)
17. How many were the children of Zattu?
• Nine hundred and forty-five (Ezra 2:8)
• Eight hundred and forty-five (Nehemiah 7:13)
18. How many were the children of Azgad?
• One thousand two hundred and twenty-two (Ezra 2:12)
• Two thousand three hundred and twenty-two (Nehemiah 7:17)
19. How many were the children of Adin?
• Four hundred and fifty-four (Ezra 2:15)
• Six hundred and fifty-five (Nehemiah 7:20)
20. How many were the children of Hashum?
• Two hundred and twenty-three (Ezra 2:19)
• Three hundred and twenty-eight (Nehemiah 7:22)
21. How many were the children of Bethel and Ai?
• Two hundred and twenty-three (Ezra 2:28)
• One hundred and twenty-three (Nehemiah 7:32)
22. Ezra 2:64 and Nehemiah 7:66 agree that the total number of the
whole assembly was 42,360. Yet the numbers do not add up to
anything close. The totals obtained from each book is as follows:
• 29,818 (Ezra)
• 31,089 (Nehemiah)
23. How many singers accompanied the assembly?
• Two hundred (Ezra 2:65)
• Two hundred and forty-five (Nehemiah 7:67)
24. What was the name of King Abijahs mother?
• Michaiah, daughter of Uriel of Gibeah (2 Chronicles 13:2)
• Maachah, daughter of Absalom (2 Chronicles 11:20) But Absalom had
only one daughter whose name was Tamar (2 Samuel 14:27)
25. Did Joshua and the Israelites capture Jerusalem?
• Yes (Joshua 10:23, 40)
• No (Joshua 15:63)
26. Who was the father of Joseph, husband of Mary?
• Jacob (Matthew 1:16)
• Hell (Luke 3:23)
27. Jesus descended from which son of David?
• Solomon (Matthew 1:6)
• Nathan(Luke3:31)
28. Who was the father of Shealtiel?
• Jechoniah (Matthew 1:12)
• Neri (Luke 3:27)
29. Which son of Zerubbabel was an ancestor of Jesus Christ?
• Abiud (Matthew 1: 13)
• Rhesa (Luke 3:27) But the seven sons of Zerubbabel are as follows:
i.Meshullam, ii. Hananiah, iii. Hashubah, iv. Ohel, v.Berechiah, vi.
Hasadiah, viii. Jushabhesed (I Chronicles 3:19, 20). The names Abiud
and Rhesa do not fit in anyway.
30. Who was the father of Uzziah?
• Joram (Matthew 1:8)
• Amaziah (2 Chronicles 26:1)
31. Who was the father of Jechoniah?
• Josiah (Matthew 1:11)
• Jeholakim (I Chronicles 3:16)
32. How many generations were there from the Babylonian exile
until Christ?
• Matthew says fourteen (Matthew 1:17)
• But a careful count of the generations reveals only thirteen (see Matthew
1: 12-16)
33. Who was the father of Shelah?
• Cainan (Luke 3:35-36)
• Arphaxad (Genesis II: 12)
34. Was John the Baptist Elijah who was to come?
• Yes (Matthew II: 14, 17:10-13)
• No (John 1:19-21)
35. Would Jesus inherit Davids throne?
• Yes. So said the angel (Luke 1:32)
• No, since he is a descendant of Jehoiakim (see Matthew 1: I 1, I
Chronicles 3:16). And Jehoiakim was cursed by God so that none of his
descendants can sit upon Davids throne (Jeremiah 36:30)
36. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on how many animals?
• One - a colt (Mark 11:7; cf Luke 19:3 5). And they brought the colt to
Jesus and threw their garments on it; and he sat upon it.
• Two - a colt and an ass (Matthew 21:7). They brought the ass and the
colt and put their garments on them and he sat thereon.
37. How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ?
• By a revelation from heaven (Matthew 16:17)
• His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41)
38. Where did Jesus first meet Simon Peter and Andrew?
• By the sea of Galilee (Matthew 4:18-22)
• On the banks of river Jordan (John 1:42). After that, Jesus decided to go
to Galilee (John 1:43)
39. When Jesus met Jairus was Jairus daughter already dead?
• Yes. Matthew 9:18 quotes him as saying, My daughter has just died.
• No. Mark 5:23 quotes him as saying, My little daughter is at the point of
40. Did Jesus allow his disciples to keep a staff on their journey?
• Yes (Mark 6:8)
• No (Matthew 10:9; Luke 9:3)
41. Did Herod think that Jesus was John the Baptist?
• Yes (Matthew 14:2; Mark 6:16)
• No (Luke 9:9)
42. Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus before his baptism?
• Yes (Matthew 3:13-14)
• No (John 1:32,33)
43. Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus after his baptism?
• Yes (John 1:32, 33)
• No (Matthew 11:2)
44. According to the Gospel of John, what did Jesus say about
bearing his own witness?
• If I bear witness to myself, my testimony is not true (John 5:3 1)
• Even if I do bear witness to myself, my testimony is true (John 8:14)
45. When Jesus entered Jerusalem did he cleanse the temple that
same day?
• Yes (Matthew 21:12)
• No. He went into the temple and looked around, but since it was very
late he did nothing. Instead, he went to Bethany to spend the night and
returned the next morning to cleanse the temple (Mark I 1:1- 17)
46. The Gospels say that Jesus cursed a fig tree. Did the tree wither
at once?
• Yes. (Matthew 21:19)
• No. It withered overnight (Mark II: 20)
47. Did Judas kiss Jesus?
• Yes (Matthew 26:48-50)
• No. Judas could not get close enough to Jesus to kiss him (John 18:3-12)
48. What did Jesus say about Peters denial?
• The cock will not crow till you have denied me three times (John 13:38)
• Before the cock crows twice you will deny me three times (Mark 14:30) .
When the cock crowed once, the three denials were not yet complete
(see Mark 14:72). Therefore prediction (a) failed.
49. Did Jesus bear his own cross?
• Yes (John 19:17)
• No (Matthew 27:31-32)
50. Did Jesus die before the curtain of the temple was torn?
• Yes (Matthew 27:50-51; Mark lS:37-38)
• No. After the curtain was torn, then Jesus crying with a loud voice, said,
Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit! And having said this he
breathed his last (Luke 23:45-46)
51. Did Jesus say anything secretly?
• No. I have said nothing secretly (John 18:20)
• Yes. He did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his
own disciples he explained everything (Mark 4:34). The disciples asked
him Why do you speak to them in parables? He said, To you it has been
given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has
not been given (Matthew 13: 1 0-11)
52. Where was Jesus at the sixth hour on the day of the crucifixion?
• On the cross (Mark 15:23)
• In Pilates court (John 19:14)
53. The gospels say that two thieves were crucified along with
Jesus. Did both thieves mock Jesus?
• Yes (Mark 15:32)
• No. One of them mocked Jesus, the other defended Jesus (Luke 23:43)
54. Did Jesus ascend to Paradise the same day of the crucifixion?
• Yes. He said to the thief who defended him, Today you will be with me
in Paradise (Luke 23:43)
• No. He said to Mary Magdelene two days later, I have not yet ascended
to the Father (John 20:17)
55. When Paul was on the road to Damascus he saw a light and
heard a voice. Did those who were with him hear the voice?
• Yes (Acts9:7)
• No (Acts22:9)
56. When Paul saw the light he fell to the ground. Did his traveling
companions also fall to the ground?
• Yes (Acts 26:14)
• No (Acts 9:7)
57. Did the voice spell out on the spot what Pauls duties were to be?
• Yes (Acts 26:16-18)
• No. The voice commanded Paul to go into the city of Damascus and
there he will be told what he must do. (Acts9:7;22: 10)
58. When the Israelites dwelt in Shittin they committed adultery
with the daughters of Moab. God struck them with a plague. How
many people died in that plague?
• Twenty-four thousand (Numbers 25:1 and 9)
• Twenty-three thousand (I Corinthians 10:8)
59. How many members of the house of Jacob came to Egypt?
• Seventy souls (Genesis 4 & 27)
• Seventy-five souls (Acts 7:14)
60. What did Judas do with the blood money he received for
betraying Jesus?
• He bought a field (Acts 1: 18)
• He threw all of it into the temple and went away. The priests could not
put the blood money into the temple treasury, so they used it to buy a
field to bury strangers (Matthew 27:5)
61. How did Judas die?
• After he threw the money into the temple he went away and hanged
himself (Matthew 27:5)
• After he bought the field with the price of his evil deed he fell headlong
and burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out (Acts 1:18)
62. Why is the field called Field of Blood?
• Because the priests bought it with the blood money (Matthew 27:8)
• Because of the bloody death of Judas therein (Acts 1:19)
63. Who is a ransom for whom?
• The Son of Man came...to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark
10:45). Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all... (I Timothy
• The wicked is a ransom for the righteous, and the faithless for the
upright (Proverbs 21:18)
64. Is the law of Moses useful?
• Yes. All scripture is... profitable... (2 Timothy 3:16)
• No. . . . A former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and
uselessness... (Hebrews 7:18)
65. What was the exact wording on the cross?
• This is Jesus the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37)
• The King of the Jews (Mark 15:26)
• This is the King of the Jews (Luke 23:38)
• Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews (John 19:19)
66. Did Herod want to kill John the Baptist?
• Yes (Matthew 14:5)
• No. It was Herodias, the wife of Herod who wanted to kill him. But
Herod knew that he was a righteous man and kept him safe (Mark 6:20)
67. Who was the tenth disciple of Jesus in the list of twelve?
• Thaddaeus (Matthew 10: 1-4; Mark 3:13 -19)
• Judas son of James is the corresponding name in Lukes gospel (Luke
68. Jesus saw a man sitat the tax collectors office and called him to
be his disciple. What was his name?
• Matthew (Matthew 9:9)
• Levi (Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27)
69. Was Jesus crucified on the daytime before the Passover meal or
the daytime after?
• After (Mark 14:12-17)
• Before. Before the feast of the Passover (John 1) Judas went out at night
(John 13:30). The other disciples thought he was going out to buy
supplies to prepare for the Passover meal (John 13:29). When Jesus was
arrested, the Jews did not enter Pilates judgment hail because they
wanted to stay clean to eat the Passover (John 18:28). When the
judgment was pronounced against Jesus, it was about the sixth hour on
the day of Preparation for the Passover (John 19:14)
70. Did Jesus pray to The Father to prevent the crucifixion?
• Yes. (Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42)
• No. (John 12:27)
71. In the gospels which say that Jesus prayed to avoid the cross,
how many times did he move away from his disciples to pray?
• Three (Matthew 26:36-46 and Mark 14:32-42)
• One. No opening is left for another two times. (Luke 22:39-46)
72. Matthew and Mark agree that Jesus went away and prayed
three times. What were the words of the second prayer?
• Mark does not give the words but he says that the words were the same
as the first prayer (Mark 14:3 9)
• Matthew gives us the words, and we can see that they are not the same
as in the first (Matthew 26:42)
73. What did the centurion say when Jesus dies?
• Certainly this man was innocent (Luke 23:47)
• Truly this man was the Son of God (Mark 15:39)
74. When Jesus said My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken Me ?
in what language did he speak?
• Hebrew: the words are Eloi, Eloi ..(Matthew 27:46)
• Aramaic: the words are Eloi, Eloi .. (Mark 15:34)
75. According to the gospels, what were the last words of Jesus
before he died?
• Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit! (Luke 23:46)
• "It is finished" (John 19:30)
76. When Jesus entered Capernaum he healed the slave of a
centurion. Did the centurion come personally to request Jesus for
• Yes (Matthew 8:5)
• No. He sent some elders of the Jews and his friends (Luke 7:3,6)
• Adam was told that if and when he eats the forbidden fruit he would die
the same day (Genesis 2:17)
• Adam ate the fruit and went on to live to a ripe old age of 930 years
(Genesis 5:5)
• God decided that the life-span of humans will be limited to 120 years
(Genesis 6:3)
• Many people born after that lived longer than 120. Arpachshad lived
438 years. His son Shelah lived 433 years. His son Eber lived 464 years,
etc. (Genesis 11:12-16)
79. Apart from Jesus did anyone else ascend to heaven?
• No (John 3:13)
• Yes. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven (2 Kings 2:11)
80. Who was high priest when David went into the house of God
and ate the consecrated bread?
• Abiathar (Mark 2:26)
• Ahimelech, the father of Abiathar (I Samuel 1:1; 22:20)
81. Was Jesus body wrapped in spices before burial in accordance
with Jewish burial customs?
• Yes and his female disciples witnessed his burial (John 19:39-40)
• No. Jesus was simply wrapped in a linen shroud. Then the women
bought and prepared spices so that they may go and anoint him [Jesus)
(Mark 16: 1)
82. When did the women buy the spices?
• After the Sabbath was past (Mark 16:1)
• Before the Sabbath. The women prepared spices and ointments. Then,
on the Sabbath they rested according to the commandment (Luke 23:55
to 24:1)
83. At what time of day did the women visit the tomb?
• Toward the dawn (Matthew 28: 1)
• When the sun had risen (Mark 16:2)
84. What was the purpose for which the women went to the tomb?
• To anoint Jesus body with spices (Mark 16: 1; Luke 23:55 to 24: 1)
• To see the tomb. Nothing about spices here (Matthew 28: 1)
• For no specified reason. In this gospel the wrapping with spices had
been done before the Sabbath (John 20: 1)
85. A large stone was placed at the entrance of the tomb. Where
was the stone when the women arrived?
• They saw that the stone was Rolled back (Mark 16:4) They found the
stone rolled away from the tomb (Luke 24:2) They saw that the stone
had been taken away from the tomb (John 20:1)
• As the women approached, an angel descended from heaven, rolled
away the stone, and conversed with the women. Matthew made the
women witness the spectacular rolling away of the stone (Matthew 28:1-
86. Did anyone tell the women what happened to Jesus body?
• Yes. A young man in a white robe (Mark 16:5). Two men ... in dazzling
apparel later described as angels (Luke 24:4 and 24:23). An angel - the
one who rolled back the stone (Matthew 16:2). In each case the women
were told that Jesus had risen from the dead (Matthew 28:7; Mark 16:6;
Luke 24:5 footnote)
• No. Mary met no one and returned saying, They have taken the Lord out
of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him (John 20:2)
87. When did Mary Magdelene first meet the resurrected Jesus?
And how did she react?
• Mary and the other women met Jesus on their way back from their first
and only visit to the tomb. They took hold of his feet and worshipped
him (Matthew 28:9)
• On her second visit to the tomb Mary met Jesus just outside the tomb.
When she saw Jesus she did not recognize him. She mistook him for the
gardener. She still thinks that Jesus body is laid to rest somewhere and
she demands to know where. But when Jesus said her name she at once
recognized him and called him Teacher. Jesus said to her, Do not hold
me... (John 20:11 to 17)
88. What was Jesus instruction for his disciples?
• Tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me (Matthew 2
8: 10)
• Go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and
your Father, to my God and your God (John 20:17)
89. When did the disciples return to Galilee?
• Immediately, because when they saw Jesus in Galilee some doubted
(Matthew 28:17). This period of uncertainty should not persist
• After at least 40 days. That evening the disciples were still in Jerusalem
(Luke 24:3 3). Jesus appeared to them there and told them, stay in the
city until you are clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49). He was
appearing to them during forty days (Acts 1:3), and charged them not to
depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise ... (Acts 1:4)
90. To whom did the Midianites sell Joseph?
• To the Ishmaelites (Genesis 37:28)
• To Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh (Genesis 37:36)
91. Who brought Joseph to Egypt?
• The Ishmaelites bought Joseph and then took Joseph to Egypt (Genesis
• The Midianites had sold him in Egypt (Genesis 37:36)
• Joseph said to his brothers I am your brother, Joseph, whom you sold
into Egypt (Genesis 45:4)
92. Does God change his mind?
• Yes. The word of the Lord came to Samuel: I repent that I have made
Saul King... (I Samuel 15:10 to 11)
• No. God will not lie or repent; for he is not a man, that he should repent
(I Samuel 15:29)
Yes. And the Lord repented that he had made Saul King over Israel (I
Samuel 15:35). Notice that the above three quotes are all from the same
chapter of the same book! In addition, the Bible shows that God
repented on several other occasions:
i. The Lord was sorry that he made man (Genesis 6:6)
I am sorry that I have made them (Genesis 6:7)
ii. And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do to his people
(Exodus 32:14).
iii. (Lots of other such references).
93. The Bible says that for each miracle Moses and Aaron
demonstrated the magicians did the same by their secret arts. Then
comes the following feat:
• Moses and Aaron converted all the available water into blood (Exodus
• The magicians did the same (Exodus 7:22). This is impossible, since
there would have been no water left to convert into blood.
94. Who killed Goliath?
• David (I Samuel 17:23, 50)
• Elhanan (2 Samuel 21:19)
95. Who killed Saul?
• Saul took his own sword and fell upon it.... Thus Saul died... (I Samuel
• An Amalekite slew him (2 Samuel 1:1- 16)
96. Does every man sin?
• Yes. There is no man who does not sin (I Kings 8:46; see also 2
Chronicles 6:36; Proverbs 20:9; Ecclesiastes 7:20; and I John 1:810)
• No. True Christians cannot possibly sin, because they are the children of
God. Every one who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God.. (I
John 5:1). We should be called children of God; and so we are (I John 3:
1). He who loves is born of God (I John 4:7). No one born of God
commits sin; for Gods nature abides in him, and he cannot sin because
he is born of God (I John 3:9). But, then again, Yes! If we say we have no
sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us (I John 1:8)
97. Who will bear whose burden?
• Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians
• Each man will have to bear his own load (Galatians 6:5)
98. How many disciples did Jesus appear to after his resurrection?
• Twelve (I Corinthians 15:5)
• Eleven (Matthew 27:3-5 and Acts 1:9-26, see also Matthew 28:16; Mark
16:14 footnote; Luke 24:9; Luke 24:3 3)
99. Where was Jesus three days after his baptism?
• After his baptism, the spirit immediately drove him out into the
wilderness. And he was in the wilderness forty days ... (Mark 1:12-13)
• Next day after the baptism, Jesus selected two disciples. Second day:
Jesus went to Galilee - two more disciples. Third day: Jesus was at a
wedding feast in Cana in Galilee (see John 1:35; 1:43; 2:1-11)
100. Was baby Jesus life threatened in Jerusalem?
• Yes, so Joseph fled with him to Egypt and stayed there until Herod died
(Matthew 2:13 23)
• No. The family fled nowhere. They calmly presented the child at the
Jerusalem temple according to the Jewish customs and returned to
Galilee (Luke 2:21-40)
101. When Jesus walked on water how did the disciples respond?
• They worshipped him, saying, Truly you are the Son of God (Matthew
• They were utterly astounded, for they did not understand about the
loaves, but their hearts were hardened (Mark 6:51-52)

Thursday 20 May 2010

Travelog Haji

Baru semalam habis baca buku Travelog Haji, karangan Prof Dr Hj Kamil..ambik masa dua hari je..buku ringan berbentuk santai..tidak akademik..tapi buku ini ada kelainan dari buku-buku yang membicarakan Haji dan Umrah yang lain.Walau pun ia berkisar pengalaman peribadi ketika mengerjakan haji dan umrah tetapi pembaca pasti mendapat manfaat yang besar dari pengalaman penulis dan keluarga sekiranya mereka mahu mencari mutiara yang bertaburan dicelah baris-baris kisah yang ditulis. Keikhlasan penulis dalam mengejar haji mabrur dan menjadi tetamu Allah yang istimewa, kesungguhan mereka sekeluarga dalam mengejar apa yang mereka mahu cari di Tanah Haram memang amat berguna bagi mereka yang akan menunaikan haji dan umrah.Mudah-mudahan dapat memperkemaskan niat dan membetulkan matalamat dan membuat perancangan yang sewajarnya untuk mencapai matlamattersebut. Matlamat tidak lain tidak bukan Haji mabrur yang ganjarannya adalah syurga. Ilmu agama yang mendalam belum pasti boleh melaksanakan haji dengan sempurna tanpa keikhlasan,merendah diri dan tawakkal kepada Allah.Paling bahaya sifat ujub iaitu mengkagumi diri sendiri dengan ilmu yang dimiliki tetapi lupa ilmu tanpa amal dan tanpa keredaanNya tidak ada makna malah merupakan satu bencana, khususnya dalam urusan mengerjakan haji dan umrah seperti kisah yang didedahkan oleh penulis di akhir buku beliau.Tahniah kepada penulis, mudah-mudahan mendapat ganjaran yang setimpal dari Allah dengan manfaat yang diperolehi oleh pembaca.
Terima kasih kepada Puan Muhazita yang meminjamkan buku Travelog Haji ini yang memang sudah lama saya mencarinta.